The Ruth and Nathan Hale Theater is pleased to announce auditions for their upcoming production of Flowers for Mrs. Harris.

A charming new musical based on the beloved film "Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris!" When housekeeper Ada Harris discovers something breathtaking, she sets off on a journey that will change her life. From post-war London to magical Paris, Ada's presence transforms others, yet she grapples with releasing her past. Can she allow her life to bloom?

Vocal Selection and Monologue

Please film yourself performing 16 bars of a song in the style of the show (contemporary operetta). Please choose a selection that is vocally demanding. All vocals should be accompanied. Please no a capella submissions.

In addition to your vocal selection, please also include a memorized, one-minute monologue. 

NOTE - YouTube links and non-secured Google Drive links are the easiest. Many people will be watching your audition video and open links make it the simplest for everyone to access.

Audition Form

Please complete the Audition Form no later than Monday, March 10, 2025 at 11:59pm to be considered for callbacks.

If you are unable to include your headshot & resume as part of your audition form, please email them to


Audition Form

Additional Info

Callbacks - 

Callbacks will be held in-person and are scheduled for the Saturday, March 22, 2025. Callbacks will be by invitation only.

This page will be updated when callback invitiations and casting have been sent.

Rehearsals & Performances - 

Rehearsals will begin on or around June 23, 2025.
The show runs September 5 - November 15.

Production Team -

Directed by Barta Heiner
Music Direction by Anne Puzey
Choreography by Sayoko Knode

A Note About Casting -

At The Ruth & Nathan Hale Theater we seek to honor the authors intent pertaining to each our productions. We care deeply about casting in a way where everyone feels respected, supported, safe and welcomed. 

We invite anyone and everyone to audition for any and all of our productions, regardless of any physical attribute, gender, race, age, ability, ethnicity, or experience. All are welcome at The Ruth.

Character Descriptions

Mrs. Ada Harris

Female Presenting, age late 40s-early 50s
Vocal Range: E3-C5
Accent: Cockney

A devoted widow who lost her husband in WWI, and continues to honor his memory with deep love. A salt-of-the-earth London charwoman, she takes immense pride in her work, approaching each task with shrewdness and a sparkling sense of humor. Guided by a strict yet practical code of ethics, she is known to tell a fib if necessary—but never a lie.

Violet Butterfield

Female Presenting, age late 40s-50s
Vocal Range: E3-C5
Accent: Cockney

A widow whose husband died in the flu epidemic after World War I; a London charwoman inclined to view life with a gloomy outlook; and a firm believer in her motto, "Don't expect nuffink, and you won't get disappointed." Doubles as the French Char Woman.

Lady Dant / Madame Colbert

Female Presenting, age 40s
Vocal Range: B3-E5

Lady Dant –  Accent: English
The wife of a wealthy industrial baron, she maintains a flat in London as well as a country manor.
Madame Colbert – Accent: French
A kind, gracious widow whose husband died in WWI. She is neat and refined, but a closer inspection reveals she looks tired and careworn. 

Pamela Penrose / Enid Snite / Natasha Raimbault

Female Presenting, age 20s
Vocal Range: G3-G5

Pamela Penrose – Accent: British/Cockney
A selfish, mean, and poorly mannered aspiring actress whose talents are mediocre at best. She undergoes a change of heart at the end of the story.
Natasha Raimbault – Accent: French
The star model of the House of Dior and the toast of Paris. The daughter of a bourgeois family in Lyons, she is desperately weary of the life her profession forces her to lead.

Countess Wyszcinska / Sybil Sullivan

Female Presenting, age 40-50s
Vocal Range: G#3-Db5

Countess Wyszcinska – Accent: Russian
A divinely mad White Russian. Formerly an aristocrat, now a shopkeeper of sorts, she acquires curiosities from Russia and sells them on the French black market.
Sybil Sullivan – Accent: American
The wife of a speculator who invests in sotcks and property, she buys clothing not for the love of fashion but of ostentation. She considers Mrs. Harris a vulgar creature. 

Albert Harris / Marquis De Chassagne

Male Presenting, age 40s-70s
Vocal Range: G#2-F4

Albert Harris – Accent: Cockney
A kindly married man who loves his wife and is good at keeping a budget.
Marquis de Chassagne – Accent: French
A french aristocrat from an ancient family, he admires people who have courage, honor, and integrity.

Bob Smith / Andre Fauvel

Male Presenting, age 20s-30s
Vocal Range: C3-A4

Bob Smith – Accent: British
An accountant who dreams of being a photographer, he has a crush on Pamela.
Andre Fauvel – Accent: French
A WWII veteran with a scar on his face. He comes from a good middle-class family, and undergoes an overnight change from an adding machine into a boy and a lover.

Major Wallace / Monsieur Armande

Male Presenting, age 50s-60s
Vocal Range: B2-F#4

Major Wallace – Accent: British
A veteran of both World Wars (ostensibly), his leg, lungs, and eyes don't work. He's an old bachelors with frequent love affairs (nieces, wards, secretaries, etc.) He relies on Mrs. Harris and couldn't find so much as a clean towel without her. 
Monsieur Armande – Accent: French
A childhood friend of Dior, he does no work and steals glory for himself. 

Terry / Terence

Male Presenting, age 20s-30s
Non-singing Role
Accent: Cockney, French
Plays a delivery man in England and France, as well as the Wireless Commentatory. 

Flower Seller

Female Presenting, age 20s-30s
Vocal Range: C4-F#5
Accent: Cockney, French
Plays a flower seller in England and France, as well as a Dior Model.