Ways to Support
We invite you to join us in our continued efforts to create a space that will serve as a hub for cultural and economic development, educational excellence, and human connection for years to come.
The Ruth and Nathan Hale Theater will be a gathering place for patrons, artists and students of the arts offering world-class family-friendly theater experiences that elevate our community, businesses, and families. Your involvement will help us bring this once-in-a-lifetime project to life and shape the future of Utah Valley.
Ways to Contribute
Be part of our new beginning! Contribute and help build a world-class home for family-friendly entertainment.
Impact Club
Support the arts and keep ticket prices low while enjoying VIP access to Utah County's Premier Theater.
Naming Opportunities
Become a part of the Ruth legacy! Choose from available naming rights, and add your name to the lasting Impact the Ruth will have on our Utah community.
Sponsorships & Advertising
Place your brand in the spotlight and bring your employees along to the show with our uniquely catered sponsorship and advertising packages.
Advocacy Council
Become an advocate for the Ruth’s creation, mission, and purpose. Spread the word about our education programs, volunteer opportunities, and encourage people to engage at The Ruth!